
IAML Cataloguing Section Wiki

Page history last edited by Chris Holden 1 week ago

Link to the IAML website: https://www.iaml.info/cataloguing-metadata-section http://www.iaml.info/organization/commissions/cataloguing#Branch_officers 


Governance Documents


Terms of Reference - updated February 2017 by IAML


Cataloguing and Metadata Section Meetings


2024 June meeting in Stellenbosch

2023 August meeting in Cambridge

2022 July meeting in Prague

2022 March joint meeting with BOL and LMTI

2021 July meeting online

2019 July meeting in Krakow

2018 July meeting in Leipzig

2017 April agenda & 2017 April notes from the meeting

2016 November agenda & 2016 November notes from the meeting

2016 April agenda & 2016 April notes from the meeting

2016 February agenda  & 2016 February notes from the meeting

2015 November 


Cataloguing Commission Reports 


2024 Mid-year

2023 Mid-year

2022 Mid-year












Officers' Meetings

October 2024 officers' meeting


IAML Cataloguing Sessions











RDA information & resources 


From the Joint Steering Committee (RDA) 




JSC Music Working Group - This group is the new iteration of the RDA Joint Music Working Group and includes members from MLA, the Library of Congress, CAML, and EURIG.


Please feel free to comment on the RDA Comments & Question page. You may also send comments directly to the Chair of the JSC Music Working Group at damian.iseminger@necmusic.edu




ALA Midwinter in Boston 2016


(1)  Gordon Dunsire, chair of RSC, gave these two presentations during the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, earlier this month:


(2)  James Hennelly, Managing Editor, ALA Digital Reference, gave the attached presentation at the RDA Forum during the meeting. 


(3) The slides from the presentations at the ALA 2016 Midwinter Library of Congress BIBFRAME Update Forum (Sunday morning, Jan. 10, 10:30) are now available.  They may be accessed from the agenda for the session posted on the www.loc.gov/bibframe home page.  The session included, in addition to the updates from the Library of Congress, information on projects that are being planned by Casalini, several Linked Data for Production project participants (Columbia, Cornell, and Princeton), OCLC, and Zepheira.  





Paradis, D. & Hafner, J. (2015). The April 2015 update to RDA and its impact on music instructions: A review of what music cataloguers need to know / La mise à jour d’avril 2015 de RDA et son impact sur les instructions relatives à la musique : une étude à l’intention des catalogueurs de musique. CAML Review, 43(1), 13-37. Retrieved April 29, 2015, from http://caml.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/caml/article/view/40206


From MLA

The newly named and reorganized Content and Metadata Committee (CMC) of the Music Library Association (MLA) has a new blog: 



Best Practices for Cataloguing: Using RDA & MARC21

From 2013 RDA Comments & Questions.


Proposal we reviewed: RDA revision to the medium of performance instructions (6.15 and 6.28) and for Appendix E -
(RDA Comments & Questions is a good place for comments)


In French

Web site dedicated to RDA for francophones: http://rdafrancophone.wikispaces.com/

Facebook page: RDA Francophone a page for discussing issues with RDA in French - https://www.facebook.com/groups/166356620196728/?fref=ts


In German

RDA-Info-wiki of the German National Library: https://wiki.dnb.de/display/RDAINFO/RDA-Info


In Spanish


The Co-Publishers of RDA published the Spanish translation of RDA to RDA Toolkit on Wednesday, March 11. Read more about this important addition at http://www.rdatoolkit.org/content/7764





Thank you to everyone who took the survey on preference of medium of performance display for WorldCat Discovery. Regardless of whether you submitted that survey, your responses are now requested on a mere TWO followup questions about the label used for the field and ONE question about the display of MARC 048. The survey may be accessed athttp://goo.gl/forms/8DTXS1hTf3. (March 2014)


The presentations from the MOUG (Music OCLC Users Group) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2014 Meeting (some related to RDA):



The presentations from the MOUG (Music OCLC Users Group) in San Jose 2013 Meeting (most are related to RDA): http://www.musicoclcusers.org/mougmeetings/2013meeting/2013presentations.html


NEW: Provisional Best Practices for Using LCMPT: http://bcc.musiclibraryassoc.org/BCC-Historical/BCC2014/ProvisionalBestPracticesforUsingLCMPT%20FINAL.pdf These guidelines are intended to assist catalogers in the application of medium of performance terminology from the recently published Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus in bibliographic records for musical resources, using MARC21 field 382. These terms are more granular and less constrained than terminology currently prescribed for use in LCSH, and their use is encouraged in all bibliographic records where feasible.



Update 2013 RDA and more from OCLC


From EURIG (European RDA Interest Group)

Speeches and presentation from the EURIG Annual meeting, Florence and Fiesole, Italy, May 8-10, 2017


ISBD Subcommission wiki

& information


IAML Sub on ISBD recommendations to the Cataloguing Commission 



UNIMARC Subcommission


Proposal for a new field for Characters in the Authorities format: Unimarc Authorities field 2232015-9_A223.doc  

Revised, version 0.7, 2015.11.17: 2015-9_A223_ver_0.7.doc

Revised version 0.9 approved by PUC, with modifications, draft of modifications taken during PUC meeting by MGT, 2016.4.2 2016-9_A223_ver_0_9_(2)_PUC.docx; all examples need to be revised accordingly; medium of performance expressed through field 146 (with links through $6 subfield if needed), and proposal split into U/A fields 223 (Authorised Access point), 423 (Variant AP), 523 (Related AP), 623 (Subject AP), 723 (AAP in other language or script), and U/B 623.


UNIMARC medium of performance vocabulary


IAML Sub on UniMARC recommendations to the Cataloguing Commission 

From the PUC

Minutes of the PUC meeting, Lisbon, 4-6 April 2016


Other useful information


MARC authority fields for attributes of entities and PCC best practices, with lots of examples of NARs.  I've posted it online on my website at http://faculty.washington.edu/aschiff/RDA%20and%20Authority%20Records.pptx and hope it might be of some use to some of you either as review or for training purposes. Adam Schiff.



Other news:


MARC Proposals:



DATE: May 16, 2017

NAME: Defining New Fields to Record Accessibility Content in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format


SUMMARY: This proposal presents options for recording the RDA data element Accessibility Content (7.14) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format.


3.1. FIELD 341

341 - Accessibility Content (R)

3.2. FIELD 532

532 - Accessibility Note (R)

FOR THE FULL PROPOSAL: http://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2017/2017-11.html




IFLA Cataloguing section



Music Library Association Bibliographic Control Committee (BCC)

BCC Annual Report - 2014 


Library of Congress


Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) - In March 2015 the Policy and Standards Division (PSD) will approve approximately 560 genre/form terms for musical works. For more information on the project and the Tentative List of terms, please see http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/genremusicalworks.html 



(From MLA-L February 2016)

The BCC BIBFRAME Task Force would like to hear your feedback as we examine a wide range of topics surrounding BIBFRAME and the music library community's response to its development. Task force members will periodically post to the task force's blog with our latest findings:



All our posts are open to registered users of the MLA web site, and I encourage everyone to participate in our discussions by posting comments.

Thank you, and enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year!  Kimmy Szeto, Chair, BCC BIBFRAME Task Force.


BIBFRAME Report from MLA Task Force - February 2016.




Announcing Two New Best Practices Guides from OLAC CAPC!


The Online Audiovisual Catalogers Cataloging and Policy Committee (OLAC CAPC) is pleased to announce the publication of two Best Practice Guides – “Best Practices for Streaming Media Using RDA and MARC21” and “Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs Using RDA and MARC21.”


In addition to the set of best practices, both documents include many in-line and full MARC record examples illustrating the best practices. The documents are accessible at the OLAC website (http://www.olacinc.org/drupal/?q=node/358). Direct links to each document:


DVD/Blu-ray Guide: http://olacinc.org/drupal/capc_files/DVD_RDA_Guide.pdf

Streaming Media Guide: http://olacinc.org/drupal/capc_files/Streaming_Media_RDA.pdf


Many thanks to the CAPC task forces that prepared these documents and to the task force advisors for their great assistance:


Streaming Media Task Force: Erminia Chao, Rebecca Culbertson, Jennifer Eustis, Cyrus Ford, Annie Glerum, Ngoc-My Guidarelli, Mary Huismann, Stacie Traill, Donna Viscuglia, Jeannette Ho (chair), and Jay Weitz (advisor).


DVD/Blu-ray Task Force: Marcia Barrett, Lloyd Chittenden, Julie Renee Moore, Laurie Neuerburg, Anchalee “Joy” Panigabutra-Roberts, Walter Walker, Iris Wolley, William Anderson, Cyrus Ford, Douglas King, John Lavalie, Peter LIsius, Nancy Lorimer, Lori Murphy, Scott Piepenburg, Diane Robson (chair, 2012-13), Mary Huismann (chair, 2013-15), Greta de Groat (advisor), Kelley McGrath (advisor), and Jay Weitz (advisor).


We hope these best practices will be helpful to catalogers working with these formats. Feedback is welcome, and may be directed to CAPC chair Mary Huismann (huism002@umn.edu).





Comments (14)

Joseph Hafner said

at 4:50 pm on Feb 18, 2015

From Casey:

The Music Library Association's Bibliographic Control Committee is proud to announce the release of version 1.1 of the resource Best Practices for Music Cataloging Using RDA and MARC21. This version incorporates numerous revisions, stemming from related changes to RDA itself, updates to the MARC format, and evolutions in thinking within the music cataloging community.

The full PDF document is here: http://bcc.musiclibraryassoc.org/BCC-Historical/BCC2015/RDA_Best_Practices_for_Music_Cataloging_v1.1-150217.pdf
A list of changes between the last published version (v.1.0.1, released April 2014) and v.1.1 is here: http://bcc.musiclibraryassoc.org/BCC-Historical/BCC2015/List_of_Changes_Version%201_0_1_to_Version%201_1_Table.pdf

Concurrent with this release is the RDA Toolkit release scheduled for 2/17 (today!), which will include hyperlinks directly from individual RDA instructions to relevant sections of the Best Practices content. Special thanks go to Jamie Hennelly of ALA Publishing for his help in facilitating the mark-up and integration of this content into the Toolkit environment.

Certain sections of the Best Practices were not marked up for Toolkit inclusion, but have instead been compiled into a supplemental document, to which is hyperlinked as appropriate from elsewhere in the Toolkit: http://bcc.musiclibraryassoc.org/BCC-Historical/BCC2015/Suppl_RDA_Best_Practices_Music_Cataloging_v1.1-150115.pdf

Future versions of the Best Practices will be updated directly within the Toolkit environment (similar to LC-PCC PS updates), and the full PDF version will be retired.

As always, feedback is strongly encouraged, in order to ensure that these Best Practices reflect the needs of the broader community. Please direct such feedback to myself, or to Beth Iseminger (beth.iseminger@gmail.com), BCC Chair.

Casey Mullin
Chair, MLA-BCC RDA Music Implementation Task Force

Joseph Hafner said

at 11:37 am on Apr 16, 2015

The newly named and reorganized Content and Metadata Committee (CMC) of the Music Library Association (MLA) has a new blog:


The MLA and CMC websites are both in a period of transition following the recent reorganization. Please bookmark the new blog.

Please use this blog to see changes that have happened!

iskender@... said

at 11:08 am on Nov 17, 2015

With regard to the discussion of fictitious characters, it may be of interest to read the JSC proposal of June 5, 2015:


Fictitious characters are discussed on p. 8 (relationship designators and reciprocal relationships).


Joseph Hafner said

at 12:51 pm on Jan 23, 2016

ALA Midwinter in Boston 2016

(1) Gordon Dunsire, chair of RSC, gave these two presentations during the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, earlier this month:

RDA progress on governance and strategy. (RDA Forum):http://www.gordondunsire.com/pubs/pres/RDAForum1601.pptx

RDA data capture and storage. (CC:DA):http://www.gordondunsire.com/pubs/pres/RDADataCap.pptx

Joseph Hafner said

at 1:04 pm on Jan 23, 2016

Also at ALA Midwinter: (2) James Hennelly, Managing Editor, ALA Digital Reference, gave the attached presentation at the RDA Forum during the meeting. -- link to presentation above

Joseph Hafner said

at 12:30 pm on Jan 28, 2016

BIBFRAME session at ALA Boston 2016 - link added above.

Joseph Hafner said

at 6:04 pm on Feb 5, 2016

From Jay Weitz: At ALA Midwinter in Boston, I presented the PowerPoint “Cataloging Maps Defensively: ‘When to Input a New Record’ in the Age of DDR” to the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) Cataloging and Classification Committee. That PowerPoint is now linked from the OCLC “About RDA” page at http://www.oclc.org/rda/about.en.html. The Maps presentation itself may be found at http://www.oclc.org/content/dam/oclc/cataloging/cataloging-maps-defensively-2016.pptx. The MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group has also invited me to present the Maps PowerPoint again to its larger audience at ALA Annual in Orlando in June.

From that OCLC “About RDA” page (http://www.oclc.org/rda/about.en.html) there is also a link to the more general 2010 “Cataloging Defensively: ‘When to Input a New Record’ in the Age of DDR” slides and recorded Webinar. It is my intention to create a series of “Cataloging Defensively” presentations for various specific types of bibliographic materials over the coming months. One on Sound Recordings is already in progress and will be presented at the Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG) meeting in Cincinnati in March. One on Videorecordings is scheduled to be presented at the Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC) membership meeting at ALA Annual in June.

Joseph Hafner said

at 3:15 pm on Feb 8, 2016

FROM the Library of Congrees BIBFRAME listserve: The University of Washington conducted an experiment by creating an RDA input form with output in multiple RDF schemas. One goal, among others, was to demonstrate that RDA cataloging (input) can be easily output in multiple schemas using a processing pipeline and mappings.

This experiment was successful and output was achieved in RDA/RDF and BIBFRAME. The key is to use an intermediate format that is as fine-grained as the most detailed output, in this case RDA. We also showed that output in these schemas can be generated in an automated fashion using a pipeline.

The implication for future production cataloging systems is that input and output should not be directly tied to each other. Rather, a cataloging system should have sufficient flexibility to output in multiple schemas, which can be achieved in an automated way. This will facilitate the exchange of data at the level of granularity needed by different audiences.

In a linked data world, the technical environment is fundamentally different. In MARC, cataloging data are directly encoded in the carrier; in fact, part of a cataloger’s work is to encode the cataloging. Also, there is only one carrier. With linked data, there are more options: cataloging and carrier can and should be separate. Catalogers should focus on the creation of cataloging data and do not need to encode them in a schema. This can be done automatically in the background. Also, multiple schemas are easily used, and should be. For more details on the experiment, see http://www.lib.washington.edu/msd/pubcat/ld/input-form

Joseph Hafner said

at 5:41 am on Feb 16, 2016

Beth Iseminger from MLA shared the MLA-CMC BIBFRAME Task Force Report from February 2016 with us. I've posted it on the wiki above and in a Folder here on the wiki titled BIBFRAME. Please feel free to share any comments with her or me about this report. Thanks, Joseph

Joseph Hafner said

at 10:32 am on Mar 9, 2016

Please feel free to share any feedback on the latest proposal ideas from the Unimarc Sub-Commission found here on the wiki http://iamlcataloguingcommission.pbworks.com/w/page/105966774/Unimarc%20proposals Comments needed before the end of this week.

Joseph Hafner said

at 6:14 pm on Jun 9, 2016

Hi Joseph,

In case you would like to share this with the cataloging commission, I am attaching the MLA-CMC quarterly report that covers our activities between the MLA 2016 meeting and now. (I'LL POST IT UNDER REPORTS ON THIS WIKI-- JH)

Our website is still a bit of a work in progress (and we do not post the quarterly reports there, only the annual reports) but feel free to have a look at that as well and see our new rosters as well as information about our new linked data working group and the completed reports of the task forces on BIBFRAME and on genre/form.


Enjoy Rome!

Tracey Snyder
Music Catalog and Instruction Librarian, Cornell University
Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association

Joseph Hafner said

at 2:47 pm on Jan 10, 2017

Dear Colleagues,
Elections will be held for IAML’s Institutional and Subject Sections (previously Branches and Commissions) officers at the IAML congress in Riga (18-22 June). This is a good opportunity for those who want to play a more active role in the work of IAML. You are invited to indicate your interest by contacting me [secretary@iaml.info] during the spring, preferably not later than 4 weeks before the congress. However, further nominations may be presented up to the time of the elections. There will be a list of current nominees on the IAML website.
More information can be found on the IAML website:
Structure and Activities | IAML
Best wishes,
Pia Shekhter, IAML Secretary General

Joseph Hafner said

at 2:37 pm on Jun 8, 2017

There's a new MARC proposal, I added it above in the list of items, but am posting it here, too, as an FYI
MARC Proposals:

FOR THE FULL PROPOSAL: http://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2017/2017-11.html

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