IAML Cataloguing and Metadata Section 2024 Mid-Year Report
Chair: Chris Holden (Library of Congress, USA)
Vice-Chair: Maria Aslanidi (Ionian University, Greece)
Secretary: Kyla Jemison (University of Toronto, Canada)
Section Meetings
The Cataloguing and Metadata Section held two business meetings at the 2023 Congress in Cambridge. 26 members attended from Belgium, Brazil, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Oman, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The meetings included presentations on medium of performance vocabularies and UNIMARC standards, and the discussion included news on cataloging standards, Wikidata, developments in RDA, and various music vocabularies.
Officer Meetings
The officers of the Cataloguing and Metadata section met via Zoom on 7 September 2023, where they discussed the events of the 2023 Cambridge Congress, made plans for the upcoming year, and looked ahead to the 2024 Stellenbosch Congress.
Section Work
ยท Officers of the Cataloguing and Metadata Section represent the interests of IAML in various global cataloging projects.
- Chris Holden is a member of the ISBD Manifestation Task Force, which is a project to synchronize the recent updates to ISBD (International Standard of Bibliographic Description) with the manifestation entity in the LRM (Library Reference Model). He recently contributed music examples to the Task Force.
- Maria Aslanidi is a member of the IFLA PUC (Permanent UNIMARC Committee) which maintains and updates the UNIMARC format. Recently she has been assigned to represent the PUC in the new IFLA Accessibility Metadata Working Group.
- The section continues to maintain the UNIMARC Medium of Performance vocabulary, and has been coordinating an update to the official vocabulary. The section has corresponded with Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi, a former Cataloguing and Metadata Section officer, as well as various officers of IFLA, in order to coordinate this update.
- Officers have been planning sessions for the 2024 Stellenbosch Congress. Chris Holden attended a virtual section meeting of the Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions (LIMTI) section on November 15, 2023, which discussed plans for sessions on e-scores at the upcoming congress. Chris then worked with the LIMTI section and the Service and Training section to recruit speakers for these sessions. The Cataloguing and Metadata Section will be co-sponsoring three sessions on e-scores at the 2024 congress, and Kyla Jemison will be presenting on cataloging e-scores at the first of these sessions.
Submitted by Chris Holden, chair, 18 January 2024
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