
2022 Congress Meeting in Prague

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Saved by Kimmy Szeto
on April 27, 2022 at 7:54:55 am


** The full business meeting will take place on

  • First session: Thursday, 14 October 2021, 1300 UTC 
  • Second session: Friday, 15 October 2021, 0100 UTC 



Hawaii Alaska US Pacific US Eastern ART/BRT UTC UK Europe Central Europe Eastern India China Japan Australian Eastern New Zealand
3am 5am 6am 9am 10am 1300 2pm 3pm 4pm 6:30pm 9pm 10pm midnight 2am
3pm 5pm 6pm 9pm 10pm 0100 2am 3am 4am 6:30am 9am 10am noon 2pm

** In the Americas, both sessions take place on 14 October. 


In Attendance: 


Approval of Agenda



Chair's report: Kimmy


ISBD review: Chris





  •   Representation of RDA in UNIMARC Authority Data for Musical Works and Creators

Metadata Standards: 

  • PMO: Kimmy 

  • Wikidata: Chris and Kimmy 

  • Further discussion: BIBFRAME, RDA ontology, DCRM(M), Working Groups, more music-related metadata cataloguing/description issues, etc. 


Old Business



Section website

  • New IAML electronic archiving guidelines (Kimmy)
  • Past conference materials (Kyla) 

Information on cataloguing from the Section website


Section communication (email list, pbworks, social media, etc.)


New Business

Any new business?

  • Invitation to a joint session with the Audiovisual Section (Kimmy)  

Next Meeting


  • Format?
  • Date/time? 





Cataloguing and Metadata Section Business Meeting 2021 (Online)


This 5-minute mini-meeting will take place online during our main session on Thursday, 29 July 2021, 15.00 UTC.


  1. Chair’s welcome: Frédéric Lemmers, Section Chair
  2. Updates from the IFLA Permanent UNIMARC Committee: Jay Weitz, PUC Vice Chair 
  3. Updates on ISBD review: Chris Holden, IFLA ISBD Review Group Consulting Liaison 
  4. Elections 
  5. Next year's plan, scheduling the next meeting


In attendance:



** Recruitment message sent to IAML-L on 19 May 2021


IAML's Cataloguing and Metadata Section is seeking member participation!


We are a group of all levels of expertise who are interested in addressing issues of international scope that relate to music resources. We add an important voice to developments of standards, and we support each other's work in the music library community. We are the maintenance agency for IFLA's code lists for musical forms and medium of performance, and we work toward building more globally inclusive vocabularies.


IAML sections have no formal membership other than the chair, vice-chair, and secretary. In the Cataloguing and Metadata Section, those who volunteer become the project leader, and may form a working group. At the moment, we are particularly seeking members to fill the positions of Section Secretary and Representative to the Permanent UNIMARC Committee (IFLA). Interested members please contact vice chair Kimmy Szeto <kimmy.szeto@baruch.cuny.edu>. 


We are looking forward to reconnecting with each other at the IAML Online Congress 2021, and working on strengthening mutual assistance for our colleagues who have been made isolated from the cataloguing and metadata community. 


Positions seeking candidates


Recently concluded projects

On-going projects

  • Participate in the ISBD Review Group as liaison from IAML.
  • Consult with the Project Group on RISM Series C on MARC21 authority revisions for updating the Directory of Music Institutions. 
  • Improve usability of the medium of performance area in the new IFLA namespace (https://www.iflastandards.info/unimarc/terms/mop), especially the technical aspect of multilingual data structure / display.

Potential projects



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