IAML Cataloguing and Metadata Section 2022 Mid-Year Report
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Chair: Kimmy Szeto (Baruch College, City University of New York, USA)
Vice-Chair: Chris Holden (Library of Congress, USA)
Secretary: Kyla Jemison (University of Toronto, Canada)
Representative to the IFLA Permanent UNIMARC Committee: Maria Aslanidi (Ionian University, Greece)
Section Meetings
The Cataloguing and Metadata Section held a business meeting on 14 Oct 1300 UTC and 15 Oct 0100 UTC. The meeting was organized in lieu of the usual meeting at the annual congress, and, to accommodate members across the globe, two sessions were held 12 hours apart. The first session was attended by 13 members from Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, including IAML Board members Jürgen Diet and Rupert Ridgewell; the second session was attended by 5 members from Japan, New Zealand, and the United States. We had lively discussions on controlled vocabularies, RDA, LRM, MARC21/UNIMARC, ISBD, linked data, streaming videos, and electronic scores. We identified an urgent need for up-to-date illustrations of implementing RDA/LRM concepts in the UNIMARC environment, and an improved process for language lookup of controlled vocabulary terms. We agreed to propose a project group to develop a collection of annotated UNIMARC cataloguing exemplars of music materials, and a study group on expanding access to music vocabularies through open multilingual platforms. We also discussed the possibility of a joint meeting with the Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Section, tentatively to be held in March 2022.
Joint Meeting with the Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Section and the Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Section
A special joint event is being planned for 25 March 2022 on issues surrounding acquiring, cataloging, archiving digital scores and digital AV materials. Members will be invited to participate in sharing and discussions in a relaxed atmosphere. Time zones will be taken into account, with the possibility of holding two separate sessions. More details are forthcoming in February.
Section Work
- Following the guidance of Secretary General Anders Cato, Maria Aslanidi's appointment as IAML's Representative to the Permanent UNIMARC Committee has been transmitted to IFLA.
- With the help of Web Editor Jennifer Ward, we have variously posted, discovered, and recovered the Section's annual reports and Congress materials from recent years. We are continuing to contact past Congress presenters who have not yet supplied their materials.
- Group proposals: In response to members' suggestions, Section officers gathered additional comments and feedback from the membership and submitted proposals, together with letters of support, for the following project/study group proposals to the IAML Board for approval:
- Project Group: Annotated Exemplars of Music Cataloguing with RDA/LRM in UNIMARC Link to file
- Study Group: Linked Data Hub for Music Vocabularies Link to file
- Section communications continue to be posted to the IAML website and the PBWorks wiki: http://iamlcataloguingcommission.pbworks.com/
Respectfully submitted: Kimmy Szeto, 1 February 2022
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