2018 Meetings and Programmes
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Cataloguing and Metadata Section 2018 Meetings and Programme
Programme (Open)
Tuesday, July 24, 2018, 14:30-16:00. Concert Hall, Hochschule für Musik und Theater.
Music and Linked Open Data
- Kimmy Szeto (Baruch College, City University of New York) [link to slide]: Recent Projects on Music Linked Data Ontologies
- Lynnsey K. Weissenberger (Irish Traditional Music Archive, Dublin): The Linked Irish Traditional Music Project at the Irish Traditional Music Archive
- Cécile Cecconi (Philharmonie de Paris): Music and Linked Open Data : results and feedback from the DOREMUS project
Friday, July 27, 2018, 11:00-12:30. Concert Hall, Hochschule für Musik und Theater.
Recent Developments in Music Cataloguing
- Renate Behrens (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main), Damian Iseminger (Library of Congress, Washington, DC) and Daniel Paradis (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec): The well-tempered catalogue – the new RDA Toolkit and music resources
- Jochen Rupp (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main): Retrieving authority records of the Integrated Authority File (GND) and bibliographic records of the German Music Archive free of charge
- François-Pierre Goy (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris): La conversion rétrospective du fichier du Conservatoire au département de la musique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Business/Working Meeting (Open)
Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 11:00-12:30, Room 301, Hochschule für Musik und Theater (Grassistraße 8, 04107 Leipzig, Deutschland)
Friday, July 27, 2018, 09:00-10:30, Room 301, Hochschule für Musik und Theater
Chair: Frédéric Lemmers, (Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Brussels); Vice-Chair: Kimmy Szeto (Baruch College, City University of New York); Secretary: Christopher Holden (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.)
- Approval and additions to the agenda
- Projects
- UNIMARC Medium of performance Vocabulary - Mapping to LCMPT: All codes mapped. What's next? [Report / Discussion link]
- Finnish Thesaurus SEKO (Terms of medium of performance): http://finto.fi/seko/en/?clang=fi
- Germany: Liste der normierten Besetzungsangaben https://wiki.dnb.de/download/attachments/106042227/AH-001.pdf in parts also searchable via GND (authority files)
- Expanding IAML Vocabularies - discuss proposition (update since 2017?)
- Reports from Organizations Around the World
- MLA Report (Kimmy): I attended the MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee. In light of our medium of performance code mapping project, I requested an agenda item on the broader implication of adding linked data characteristics and functionalities to existing vocabularies. The discussion was fruitful but preliminary. We identified the priorities being cross-vocabulary linking and multilingual support. Our American colleagues applauded Massimo's focus and effort on adding languages, and his ingenious idea of linking codes to external descriptions (Wikipedia) and to images of musical instruments (MIMO) as an entry point to multilingualism. With the maintainer of controlled vocabularies in the US being the Library of Congress Policies and Standards Office, we have agreed to establish a three-way dialogue between IAML, MLA and LC, with the possibility of developing white papers in the future as the first step. More detailed information see meeting minutes from March 2018: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.musiclibraryassoc.org/resource/resmgr/BCC_Minutes/CMC2018minutes.pdf
- OCLC Report (no report)
- Cataloguing
- ISBD & MARC - IFLA work related to this (Massimo): the revision process for 2018-2022 has been submitted by the ISBD RG to the IFLA Committee on Standards, and approved. ISBD will be revised as an extension of the IFLA Library Reference Model, focusing at first on Manifestation level. As it was decided in 2011, ISBD will cover non published resources. The document submitted to CoS and revised according to the observations, still awaiting to be uploaded in the IFLA website, is here: ISBD_revision_2018_web.pdf .
- MARC: (Kimmy) In the MARC21 universe, it has been a busy year of revisions to make MARC21 more data friendly. The most significant news: Field 384 (Key) is now repeatable; Field 382 (medium of performance) now has a subfield r. Other news involves radical re-considerations (i) Field 382: whether to record URI for every medium of performance; (ii) Field 245: whether to create more granular subfields, and (iii) testing to see what would happen if all ISBD punctuations are removed. The full gamut can be found here: https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/an2018_age.html. Any report on the UNIMARC side?
- RDA: RDA Steering Committee (Kimmy): The RSC will enjoy having a music cataloguer as Chair in the next term 2019-22.
- 3R Project / RDA Toolkit Update: http://cmc.blog.musiclibraryassoc.org/2018/05/01/3r-project-rda-toolkit-update/
- RDA Translations Working Group (Daniel): Translations of RDA were put on hold during the 3R Project because of the number of changes that were expected to affect the RDA vocabularies. Now that the work on the vocabularies has progressed and that the vocabularies are more stable, the translation work has resumed. Most of the value vocabularies have been released to translators two weeks ago. The next files to be released for translation will be the element sets.
- EURIG (any report?)
- OCLC: New OCLC Music Toolkit for generating faceted music data: http://cmc.blog.musiclibraryassoc.org/2018/04/20/new-oclc-music-toolkit-for-generating-faceted-music-data/
- Metadata
- LRM (any report?)
- Canadian Linked Data Project (any report?)
- Performed Music Ontology (Kimmy): The Performed Music Ontology is being led by Nancy Lorimer at Stanford University. Between March and July 2018, the PMO working group released 5 modeling papers: event, medium of performance parts 1, 2, 3, and mapping MARC field 382. Comments and critique are welcomed. You can find these documents on the project's web site: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/LD4P/Performed+Music+Ontology
- Session topics and proposals for IAML 2019
- Any other business?
- IFLA vocabulary maintenance - quarter reports - but it is unclear what the agreement between IFLA and IAML is. Our work in 2018-19 - can we investigate and set down a yearly timetable of maintenance work? IFLA Committee on Standards?
- Communication - levels: (a) contributing members on wiki, (b) broader group who want to receive regular information from us + outside of music who we want to send information to (set up an email distribution list)
- Next meeting date(s)
- Regular meetings throughout the year. Every 3 months (July at the Congress, November, February, and May), perhaps?
- Open Discussion
Other cataloguing programs in Leipzig
2018 Meetings and Programmes
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