IAML Cataloguing and Metadata Section - Name change
Officers Meeting
with invited guests: ISBD Sub-Commission and UNIMARC Sub-Commission Chairs
Friday 28 April 2017
9:00 EST
15:00 Europe
Attendees: Anders, Daniel, Isabelle, Joseph
Regrets: Massimo
1. Approval of agenda.
The agenda was approved.
2. Cataloguing Section Meetings in Riga, Latvia - 2017 Meetings and Agendas Riga
- Asking for written reports for the "reports from around the world". Those who want to deliver reports from their home country are asked to do so in written format before the conference.
- Election of new officers. All present officers will most likely not continue as officers after the conference in Riga. New officers will have to be elected.
- 2017 sessions (see link for agenda of the meetings).
3. Any programs to organize or speakers? Topics? Etc?
Apart from already announced topics nothing more was added.
4. Unimarc: matters for discussion for in Riga
Since Massimo could not attend this meeting, the below items will be further discussed in Riga. But see also notes by Massimo after the minutes.
- Mapping the UNIMARC Medium of Performance Vocabulary to the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus (LCMPT) :
proposal for a joint project with the MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee in creating a set of mappings between these two vocabularies (cf. mail from Damian Iseminger / Library of Congress dt. 21/02/2017)
- Maintaining and expanding IAML vocabularies for UNIMARC
- Report on music at PUC (Massimo)
5. ISBD: matters for discussion for now or in Riga
- News: alignment ISBD to LRM and its influence on the development of the standard. See notes by Massimo below, after the minutes.
6. Update our name from Commission to Section - terms of reference and other places using the name
- The Terms of Reference are being updated by the central committee handling this. The Board is going to review them again before Riga.
- Cataloguing and Metadata Section. In Rome the Cataloguing Commission voted to change the name of our commission to Cataloguing and Metadata Section. Joseph will write to the Secretary General and ask for guidance on how to get it implemented.
The two Sub-commissions (UNIMARC and ISBD) no longer exist. However there are web pages for both groups, and the meeting was concerned that this might create confusion. We would like something like “Former” added and then add an end date for the groups. They could still be connected to the Cataloguing and Metadata Section web pages, but shouldn’t appear to exist.
7. Planning our next Officers and Chairs meeting.
It was decided not to have any more offiders' meetings before the conference in Riga.
8. Other business
No other business.
Notes: alignment ISBD to LRM and its influence on the development of the standard
The model has been sent last week by the FRBR RG to the IFLA Professional Committee and Committee on Standards for endorsement, adoption and publication. Hopefully it will be approved soon.
A task group met in Paris on 6-8 April, to finalise the alignment of ISBD with LRM (draft).
Here are some preliminary conclusions:
- Preserve the nature of ISBD: Universal Bibliographic Control; when different options were possible, do not use, do not recommend, or discard (deprecate) the one(s) where bibliographic control is not assured.
- Addition of Resource as ISBD Element and alignment as LRM-E1 Res subtype [Res is LRM superclass entity]. As such, they are disjoint from Resource, and from Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item.
- Addition of Encoding Schemes as subcategories of LRM-E1 Res.
- Dual or triple alignments had been necessary.
- Alignments with relationships have been considered, although ISBD in the current version is not relational. It was decided to restrict them mainly for Series area 6, Note area 7 and Identifier area 8, but in some other areas it has also been necessary to accept them (Title). An explaining note has been added in the Introduction of the alignment. This may prove to be of interest in the future.
- In order to simplify the alignment, some relationships are registered at Work level as representative of a multi-path relationships need. It is explained in the Introduction: “Relationships as possible alternative alignments have been excluded from this alignment, except in Series, Note and Identifier areas (Area 6, 7 and 8) and multilevel description, where they represent links of the described resource with other entities. A possible relational ISBD will be considered in future developments of the standard.
In the table the relationship at the Work level is illustrated, however this should be interpreted as the name component of a path that also includes the relationship from Manifestation to Expression and from Expression to Work.
- Inverse relationships are not considered.”
- LRM concept of Manifestation includes factitious volumes or collections: “However, when multiple items from different manifestations are physically combined or joined (books or pamphlets bound together, audio tapes spliced together, etc.) the result is a new singleton manifestation.” This point of view doesn’t correspond to ISBD manifestation concept. Until ISBD is not extended to include non-published resources, singleton manifestations are outside the scope of ISBD and from this alignment. Text approved to be included in the introduction of the alignment: “LRM encompassing published and non-published resources, while ISBD consolidated edition considers only published resources, thus manifestation singleton sets are excluded from this alignment. Manifestation singletons will be reconsidered in the future development of the ISBD, when it will be extended to non-published resources.”
- When ISBD will be extended to non-published resources in the revision process, an updating of this alignment should be done.
- Parallel elements are not categories, but Subtypes of main elements. For future work what categorizations could be made could be analysed.
Subjects for future developments:
- Relationships as possible alternative alignment are excluded from this alignment, because ISBD as it is now is not relational. They might be considered in the future implementation, if there is an advantage. Relationships such as multilevel description or area 6 are exceptions, in that they explicit relationships among resources.
- Categorisation (of cartographic resources, format of music, parallel elements, extents, etc.) has been excluded from this alignment, but may be considered in the future implementation, if there is an advantage. Media type and specific material designation are exceptions.
ISBD RG and RSC are planning a joint ISBD-RDA working meeting on 25 August in Wroclaw, after IFLA congress, involving also ISSN, etc., to evaluate the impact of the LRM and project common actions in the development and harmonisation of bibliographic standards. Agenda to be communicated soon.
Work on revision of the ISBD will start immediately after IFLA congress.
- Mapping of UNIMARC vocabularies and LC thesauri: we have to work on that!
- Expanding IAML vocabularies: work in progress at my Milan office; we need collaborators!
- field 146 (Medium of performance) was approved in authority format;
- field 223 (Characters) was approved in authority format, together with related fields 423 (variant), 523 (related field), 723 (name in another language/alphabet).
- Gordana Mazic has been nominated chair of the PUC.
Within IFLA units dealing with standards will no more report to the Cataloguing section, but only to the Committee on Standards. Their structure is still unclear, but for the moment they have gained autonomy; link with related sections will have to be retained.
Sorry for the unconvenience!
In Rome the Cataloguing Commission voted to change the name of our group to Cataloguing and Metadata Section when the new rules went into effect.
Comments (1)
Joseph Hafner said
at 9:09 pm on May 2, 2017
Looks good! Thanks Anders for these notes. -- Joseph
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