IAML Cataloguing Commission
Officers Meeting
with invited guests: ISBD Sub-Commission and UNIMARC Sub-Commission Chairs
Monday April 11, 2016
09:30 EST
15:30 CET
Attendees: Anders, Daniel, Isabelle, Joseph, Massimo
1. Approval of agenda - APPROVED
2. Cataloguing Commission meetings in Rome - 2016 Meetings and Agendas Rome
On Wednesday 6. June 1.00-.12.30 there will be a working meeting on UNIMARC Subcommission topics.
On Thursday 7 July 9.00-10.30 we will have our ordinary working meeting with the Cataloguing Commission and subcommissions. No oral reports this year, but reports will be sent in to the secretary beforehand or posted on the wiki. Anders will send out a reminder to those concerned.
Other cataloguing programs in Rome will be:
- Monday 4 July 16.00–17.30
Standards for music description
Presented by the Forum of Commissions and Professional Branches
Chair: Joseph Hafner
Tuesday 5 July 9.00-10.30
Cataloguing, classification and copyright - aspects of librarians' everyday work
Presented by the Forum of Commissions and Professional
Branches Chair: Claire Kidwell
Tuesday 5 July 9.00-10.30 11.00-12.30, 14.00-15.30
Tutorial session on DOREMUS project - CAT1-2
Presented by the Cataloguing Commission Chairs: Joseph Hafner, Rodolphe Bailly
Friday 8 July 11.00-12.30
TEI, MEI, FRBR, Linked Data - PROG6
Presented by the Forum of Commissions and Professional Branches
Chair: Antony Gordon
3. Work of the Sub-Commissions
What needs to be done? - before the conference? during the conference?
Isabelle and Massimo has gone through the issues and believe they have everything under control. The focus will be on the UNIMARC work
Recruiting members to commit to work on the Sub-Commissions? How do we appoint people who can participate?
4. DOREMUS tutorial session hosted by the Cataloguing Commission (Isabelle) - To happen on Tuesday 5 July at 11.00-12.30 & 14.00-15.30.
Isabelle has everything under control.
5. UNIMARC: matters for discussion in Rome: (Discussion to happen at the first Commission Business Meeting)
6. Planning our next Officers and Chairs meeting
The meeting agreed that there was probably no need for a new meeting before Rome. If a situation should turn up where one is needed we can quickly call on a meeting one or two weeks before Rome.
8. Other business
I övermorgon, torsdagen den 7 april, går jag på semester fram till sista april, då jag slutar arbeta och blir PENSIONÄR!!
Men man kan nå mig ändå:
e-post: christina_koch@hotmail.se
tel. 08-23 12 23
tel. 0155-91 611
Vänliga hälsningar
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