IAML Cataloguing Commission
Officers Meeting
with invited guests: ISBD Sub-Commission and UNIMARC Sub-Commission Chairs
Wednesday February 3 2016
10:00 EST
16:00 Europe
Attendees: Anders, Daniel, Joseph, Massimo
Regrets: Isabelle
1. Approval of agenda - APPROVED
2. Review of "Terms of reference" -from Committee: Cataloguing Commission Terms of Reference DRAFT Nov 17th draft after the meeting - APPROVED - Share with the Commission. Next these terms of reference need to be shared with the IAML committee that will review and create terms of reference. Our commission was one of the few that already had some in place. We agreed it was good to keep these up-to-date.
3. Work of the Sub-Commissions
- What needs to be done? - before the conference? during the conference? - Isabelle and Massimo will review. Right now the focus will be on the Unimarc work
- Can the business happen during the Cataloguing Commission Meetings as planned? - YES it will happen during the business meetings of the Commission
- Who is on the Sub-Commissions? How do we appoint people who can participate? - We will ask for volunteers to be dedicated working members
- We will not have separate Sub-Commission Meetings
4. DOREMUS tutorial session hosted by the Cataloguing Commission (Isabelle) - To happen on Tuesday 5 July at 11.00-12.30 & 14.00-15.30-- Joseph will follow-up with Isabelle on progress
5. Unimarc: matters for discussion in Rome: (Discussion to happen at the first Commission Business Meeting)
- proposals regarding fictitious characters - Massimo to follow-up with the group who asked about this
- new codes, new variant terms
- Unimarc vocabularies in RDF (medium of performance, musical forms)
- connections with Doremus project
6. Planning for Rome - for the regular Cataloguing Commission Meeting -
- First meeting on Wednesday 6 July 11.00-12.30 - Working meeting focusing on Unimarc Sub-Commission work
- Second meeting on Thursday 7 July 11.00-12.30 - Working meeting of the Commission - agenda to include Business of the Commission, Future officers, terms of reference; an update on Revisions in rules related to music in RDA from Daniel; FRBR and ISBD update from Massimo; BIBFRAME news from Joseph. Cataloguing updates and reports from around the world will happen on the wiki.
- We agreed that with limited time for the Sub-Commission and Commission business this year, we will accept Cataloguing Updates and Reports from around the world and post them on our wiki, instead of having oral presentation of them this year. Please send any reports to Anders Cato aca@slks.dk, and he can put them on the wiki.
7. Planning our next Officers and Chairs meeting. - Looking at an April meeting; possibly 4 April 9.30 Canada/15.30 Europe
8. Other business
- review of FRBR-LRM - waiting for response from Pat Riva
- Current officer terms last until 2017. We will need volunteers to run lead the Commission in 2017.
Comments (1)
Joseph Hafner said
at 3:55 pm on Feb 3, 2016
Here are notes from the Feb. 2016 Officers Meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or one of the officers. -- Joseph
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