
2015 November Officers Meeting (redirected from 2015 Fall Officers Meeting)

Page history last edited by Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi 8 years, 12 months ago

IAML Cataloguing Commission

Officers Meeting

with invited guests: ISBD Sub-Commission and UNIMARC Sub-Commission Chairs

Tuesday 17 November 2015

9:30 EST

15:30 Europe



Attendees: Anders, Daniel, Isabelle, Joseph, Massimo



1. Approval of agenda


2. Review of "Terms of reference" - draft made after NYC meeting

Edits by Massimo: Cataloguing Commission Terms of Reference DRAFT REVISED BASED ON NYC MEETINGS_rev.mgt.docx


3. Follow-ups from the New York Meeting


report from the 2015 meeting


4. DOREMUS tutorial session hosted by the Cataloguing Commission (Isabelle)


5. Unimarc proposals regarding fictitious characters (Daniel)


6. Planning for Rome


7. Planning our next Officers and Chairs meeting. Do we need a members online/conference meeting?


8. Other business



Doodle Poll to find date to meet: http://doodle.com/poll/rirmf8xu4eyg3ipb 


We could use this free conference calling method: http://www.freeconferencecall.com


  • Dial-in Numbers: 

    • CANADA: (605) 562-3107 

    • DENMARK: +45 78 77 25 22

    • FRANCE: +33 (0) 7 55 50 02 62

    • ITALY: +39 02 8998 2260



    • Participant Access Code: 290361

      • (for Joseph: Host Access Code: 580722)



UNIMARC 223 / Cast and characters

In order to have a basis for discussion, here is an extract from the draft minutes of the Cape Town informal meeting of the PUC, where the issue was discussed in order to inform us on how to proceed:


2015/9:  U/A 223, 423, 523:  Authorized, Variant, and Related Access Points for Character


The names of characters may link with the names of cast members at the Expression level.  Mr. Dunsire notes that the FRBR Library Reference Model redefines persons as limited to real-world entities.  RDA and other descriptive conventions have already conflated real-world persons and fictitious characters, which are appellations of things not in the real world.  Real and fictitious characters deserve to be distinguished.  ISNIs are name identifiers, not person identifiers.  Relationships are among persons, not names, so relationships (such as spouse, parent, and child) among fictional characters are not a proper application of the model.  There is certainly a use case for access to character names.  We may need to establish a new relationship between Nomens, possibly creating a new subtype of Res (thing) for fictitious character, possibly with corresponding subtypes for fictitious places, things, and so on, but to be distinguished from pseudonyms, which are one or more names in the real world, as fictitious names come from Manifestation (for example, Statement of responsibility).  RDA is currently in the process of clarifying the difference between “transcription” (the exact representation of data preserving the form and content of the prescribed source of information, including the capitalization and punctuation of the source; that is, how a resource describes itself) and “recording” (the accurate notation of data without regard to its exact representation).  The upshot of this lengthy discussion is that a new U/A 623 field could be created for (Fictitious) Character.  The proposed indicators may need to be reconsidered to allow the ability to distinguish among fictitious personal, corporate, and family character names.  It may be wise to confer with the French representatives to determine the extent to which these distinctions are needed and how closely the U/A 623 field and subfield structure should correspond to those for real-world entities.  The FRBR LRM expects applications that are based on it to respect its structure, and this would allow UNIMARC to do so.


Here is a revised version of the proposal: 2015-9_A223_ver_0.7.doc


Comments (16)

Joseph Hafner said

at 8:48 am on Nov 5, 2015

Any items for the agenda? Will Skype work for everyone, or should we use a traditional conference call? -- Joseph

Isabelle Gauchet Doris / MMC said

at 1:31 pm on Nov 5, 2015

Sorry Joseph, I am currently very busy with our internal issues and I don't have much time to think about our next meeting. But I may have an item concerning DOREMUS, as they would like to organize a sort of workshop during the next conference in Roma. I must talk further with them and come back with more details.
Skype won't work for me as Cdmc is in the Sacem network.

Joseph Hafner said

at 9:41 pm on Nov 5, 2015

Isabelle, I will provide a telephone conference call number for you to use. Thanks, Joseph

Isabelle Gauchet Doris / MMC said

at 4:28 am on Nov 6, 2015

ok, thank you Joseph!

Daniel Paradis said

at 10:25 am on Nov 6, 2015

Could we take a little bit of time to discuss the Unimarc proposals regarding fictitious characters? I'd like to share some ideas that I have and that would be easier to explain on the phone than on the wiki.

Isabelle Gauchet Doris / MMC said

at 11:12 am on Nov 6, 2015

I suggest the following item: proposal for a DOREMUS tutorial session hosted by the Cataloguing Commission. isabelle

Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi said

at 6:30 am on Nov 7, 2015

Usually skype works fine for me; I have no experience with freeconferencecall, but I'll see, in case.
I have just been at the JSC, maybe we could see if there can be an interaction with the MusicWG

iskender@... said

at 4:51 pm on Nov 7, 2015

I'd be interested in the discussion about the Unimarc proposal for fictitious characters. I did sign up for free international conference calling, but I don't understand how this works. Do you need my account information? I believe I can also use Skype.


Joseph Hafner said

at 8:06 pm on Nov 7, 2015

Marguerite, Thanks for your interest, but this meeting is for the Officers of the Commission and Chairs of the Sub-Commissions. It is the first time we're trying this sort of meeting with our officers. We can add as a discussion item if we think it is possible or not to organize a meeting for the whole Commission early in the new year. Thanks, Joseph

Joseph Hafner said

at 8:11 pm on Nov 7, 2015

PS. We are sharing this on the wiki, so that our members know what we are working on for the Commission and Sub-Commissions. If you have any topics for us to review, please let us know.

iskender@... said

at 12:07 pm on Nov 16, 2015

Apologiese! Thank you for that, Jospeh.

I’m not sure how relevant/useful this is at this point, but the CCDA Task Force on Relationship Designators in RDA Appendix K came up with a document dated June 5, 2015 that revises and expands the use of relationship designators in RDA. The discussion of fictional characters begins on p. 8.



Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi said

at 12:40 pm on Nov 16, 2015

Dear all, I have an issue with my office phone, and I am not sure I can solve it by tomorrow. Is it possible to use a skype conference? My Skype address is gentilitedeschi

Joseph Hafner said

at 2:19 pm on Nov 16, 2015

Massimo, No problem. We can do both at the same time. I've done that before and can put my phone on speaker phone for anyone that prefers the phone. Anyone else who would like to Skype, just let me know. I'll add you to my Skype contacts Massimo. Thanks, Joseph

Joseph Hafner said

at 2:23 pm on Nov 16, 2015

Does anyone have any updates or additions to the agenda for the officer's meeting on Tuesday November 17th?

Isabelle Gauchet Doris / MMC said

at 10:18 am on Nov 17, 2015

What is this number FRANCE: +33 (0) 7 55 50 02 62 ?
mine is +33 1 47 15 49 82.


Joseph Hafner said

at 10:27 am on Nov 17, 2015

Isabelle: That is the phone number to use when calling into the call from France: FRANCE: +33 (0) 7 55 50 02 62. You might need to adjust the way you call it from inside France, but that is the telephone number in it's complete form. You will also use the access code: 290361

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